Press Releases

Successful Muslim Speakers Training

This update was shared with 38 future AMI speakers of Islam, about 50 AMI donors and supporters, 30 friends of AMI,  the speakers and sponsors of the programs.  With your continued support we can do our share of the work in changing how Muslims are perceived, and how we can become the Amins of America.   

Dear Speakers of Islam;



Pictures from the first session –

I have to commend your commitment to sit through 10 hours of training, 5 hours each on 10/29 and 12/02.  You have another 5 hours left to complete the speaker training course.

You give hope to American Muslims that we can correct mis-perceptions about Muslims, if we make the effort, we can do it.

I am committed to turn things around and your dedication inspires me.

The final class is on 12/17 Saturday, and it is about media training workshop. Those of you who missed the first or the 2nd workshop are requested to attend the makeup classes in January to be certified as Speakers.  However, those who attended both the classes will be certified on 12/17/16 – I will join you on your first assignment within driving distance.

On Saturday, December 10, 2016 – we have a youth networking event, if you know any one between the ages of 15-25, please have them attend – details at

On Sunday, December 11, 2016 – The 3rd Annual Rabbi-Imam Summit is being held  between 1:30 and 5:00 PM – Since you will be a future Muslim speaker, you can join us – Let me know if you are interested, I will send the info.

Please feel free to text me to set up a time to ask any question about Islam and Muslims.

Saturday, December 3, 2016
12:00 PM – 4:30 PM


The purpose of this course is to train men and women, youth and seniors to speak about Islam as practiced by American Muslims in public square.  Program is open to every American and not exclusive to Muslims.  Our goal is to build an America, where no American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other born out of misunderstanding each other.
There is a shortage of speakers to speak about Islam in places of worship, Civic centers, Public Safety departments, Homeland Security, Work Places, schools, universities and the media.  AMI will create a list of speakers who have gone through training to assign the Speakers – Mike Ghouse will go with you for the first time.
Hosted by: Muslim Community Center
Sponsored by:  American Muslim Institution
Program conceived & Produced by:  Dr. Mike Ghouse

Who can speak for Muslims?

If we don’t speak, someone else will speak negatively about Islam because that is all they know.  To fix the problem, American Muslim Institution has undertaken to train Americans and American Muslims  who want to learn about Islam and play a leadership role in removing myths and misunderstandings about Muslims. We hope it will lead to creating cohesive societies, where no American has to feel out of place.

Thank you

We thank Ambassador Islam Siddiqui, President of AMI, Dr. Aquilur Rahman, Chairman of the AMI and the board members of the American Muslim Institution to have the vision to bring about programs and events towards creating one nation, where all Americans can live their lives and let others live theirs.

We also thank the leadership of the Muslim Community Center, Mr.  Zaffer Mirza, Chairman, Usman Sarwar, President and Deeba Jafri Organizer of the MCC and providing us the lunch and refreshments.

Want to learn the essence of other religions?

We have conflicts with each other because what we know about the other is through someone else who has a vested interest in pitting one American against the other.  It is time to learn firsthand from the practitioners of the faith to know the truth and truth alone liberates one from the shackles of bias.   This is a two way street – we have a program called Understanding Religions, where you can learn about 13 traditions from Atheism to Zoroastrianism and every faith in between, please visit the Workshop tab at


The training is divided into short segments followed Q & A and a 5 minutes break.

Summary of Part-I held on 10/29/16
MCMF Building, Gaithersburg
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

  • First Amendment -Nate walker
  • Islam Values – Mike Ghouse
  • Islamic History – Imam Ali Siddiqui
  • Rituals of Islam – Imam Faizul Khan
  • Lunch, 1:50 to 2:30
  • Denominations – Falah Shams
  • Hadith – Imam Dai’n Johnson
  • Quran – Mike Ghouse

Summary of Part- II December 3, 2016
MCC Center, Silver Spring
12:00 – 4:30

  • Zuhur Prayer before Noon
  • Opening remarks and welcome by MCC
  • Pluralism -Mike Ghouse
  • Islamophobia, Terrorism by Haris Tarin
  • Youth by Rabia Baig
  • Lunch (2:10 – 2:45)
  • CVE & Radicalization by Alejandro Beutel
  • Sharia by Mike Ghouse
  • FAQ ( included review of the terminology) 4:00-4:35
  • Program concludes

Women – We will include in the final training, as this need more time

December 17, 2016 -Media training – how to deal with the TV, Print and Radio Media, available to those who attended Part I and Part II

Mike Ghouse