A Proactive Voice For American Muslims

Start off the new year right
By working with Journalists, thought and opinion leaders, we can begin to reclaim the American Muslim narrative and improve the image of Muslims.
What Do We Do?

Every year we connect aspiring journalists with media professionals in the field over 6 weeks. Journalists provide trainings, insights and a network for the next generation of American Muslim journalists and their allies. Previous speakers have included Amna Nawaz, Tahera Rahman and Sabrina Siddiqui. We are also building a fund to support fellowships for journalists early in their career who are covering stories important to the American Muslim community or its allies.

We regularly hold meetings and virtual programs connecting reporters, editors and journalists with one another and also programs to connect them to their communities to hear and share their voices. Our platform aims to connect American Muslim journalists with one another in order to build on a network effect.

After listening to our stakeholders, they asked us to tackle some of the challenges facing the American Muslim community overseas. To this effect, we have briefed journalists, elected and policy makers on issues impacting Muslims in China, India and Myanmar. We have regularly provided briefs and issued press releases and provided sources for stories impacting Muslims all over the world.
Our Impact
For 2021, given spread of the pandemic, we have moved fully virtual and hosted over 25+ programs and events with journalists and thought leaders to discuss issues of Islamophobia, representation and many more topics