Press Releases

Report for AMI Donors


We thank you for your investment in AMI, and the trust you placed in Ambassador Islam Siddiqui and Dr. Aquilur Rahman and the Board Members and I.  You will be pleased with our accomplishments in the last15 (September 2015 to November 2016) months of our existence, we have done substantial things.


In 15 months, we have been extremely effective with our time and investment in our organization.

1. Press releases – average = 2 /mo
2. Website Postings = 8/ mo
3. Google Entries = 237/mo = 3559 Google entries
4. Images – 26/mo
5. YouTube Entries = 11/mo = 174
6. Newspaper Quotes = 14/mo
7. Facebook likes = 120/mo – 1805
8. emails = 2000/month

We held awesome educational seminars including the one on Co-existence with a Rabbi, Pastor and an Imam, and another one Countering Violence with key officials from State Department, Homeland Security and serious researchers.

We have monthly meetings called “State of the Muslims” updating the on goings.

We have a Muslim Speaker Training course going and we are collaborating with several mosques in making things happen.

A youth networking event is scheduled for 12/10.

We have been very successful in mainstreaming; we were a part of the Memorial Day and a part of the Veterans Day, rallied against ISIS on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. And we have celebrated Christmas-Milaad together last year on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. For a new organization we have gotten a fairly good coverage – not the crisis coverage but the peace time coverage.
How can we make a difference?

A question was asked at the launch, how we can make our Juma Khutbas meaningful.  We had mentioned that it is a matter of reaching out to our Imams and Masjid administrators. Now here is the good news.

6 Imams around the nation have done what we asked them to do; to announce and talk about Veterans day in Juma Khutba

Here are two responses, and I am waiting for some more to be put together as a report:

Mr. Mike,

Thank you for sharing an important message. This morning, I have posted a big “Thank you” to honor our veterans. This tribute comes from the spirit of citizenship and patriotism for the country. Furthermore, there are many Muslims who have served this great nation in all the time of need.

Imam Zafar Anjum
Islamic Center of Frisco
# # #

As-Salaamo Aleykum,

Attached is a copy of the Khutba I delivered last Friday.

Rashid Patch
Oakland, CA
Masjid Al-Iman

Here is the Veterans Day’s Press release:

Here is the Veterans Day video- of our presence:
Please visit our website, and check out the video for the progress we made in the first year, and we will make one more thru March next year.

You have an institution and its leaders committed to bring the needed changes.  The effort will be much greater now as we go into a new era of trial and error from 1/20/17.

Thanks for your continued support and let Islam Saheb and Aquil Saheb and our board members know that your investment in AMI was the right thing.

Thank you.
Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916