Press Releases

Ramadan at Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, Falls Church, VA

Wednesday, June 08, 2016: Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, Falls Church, VA organized an Iftaar for the “First responders and elected officials” at the Mosque.


It gives me great pleasure to share, that the Mosques around America have opened their doors to all Americans to build bridges and move towards the ideal of one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. As God advises to compete in doing good deeds, the Mosques have taken up the task and inviting fellow Americans to nurture goodwill through the Iftaars.

The outreach efforts by Imam Johari, Fazia Deen and Colin Christopher are to be appreciated. They invited the First responders and elected officials to the Iftaar and honored the Fire Fighters for their work in dealing with a case, what a beautiful gesture it was. A people who express gratitude and appreciate fellow being for their good work will always contribute towards building cohesive societies.  Thank you Dar Al Hijrah.

As a representative of American Muslim Institution, it was a great joy for me to be a part of this event, indeed, we are working to see an America, where, we see each other as fellow Americans committed to peace, prosperity, safety and security of our communities.

Memorial Day just passed, where Muslims honored our veterans and in the write up, a suggestion was made that “If you see men and women in the uniform, please let them know that you appreciate them.” Indeed, a few years ago, In Louisville Convention Center for Eid prayers, the police officer at the event was shown an article urging Muslims to appreciate the Police, Fire and other men and women in the uniforms, and by the time we came out of the prayers, he had broadcasted it to his entire team at police department.

Video on Memorial Day:

Muslims Honor Veterans on Memorial Day:

Please visit for everything you always wanted to know about Ramadan. You can read and see how it is practiced in each denomination, and how it is celebrated around the world, and what the world leaders have to say about Ramadan.

As a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and or anyone from other faith tradition, how can you relate with Ramadan?

If you have an interest in hearing about the 7 values of Islam, please send an email to and I will invite you to the event.

1. Justice is the foundation of all societies, and a key value in Islam
2. Caring for your neighbor
3. Humility builds bridges (arrogance is the mother of all evil)
4. Forgiveness – the dearest person to God is one who forgives
5. Truthfulness – Critical value, and incidentally there is no 5th in Islam
6. Pluralism – respecting the otherness of others
7. Freedom of speech and faith.

Happy Ramadan

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Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916