This is a record of our program from August 18, 2016
State of Muslims – This is a monthly conversation series to update fellow Muslims and fellow Americans about the current issues and possible solutions about the issues facing Muslims. Members of the community, clergy, politicians, officers from the Departments of State, Homeland Security and other departments will share the current issues and issues coming up.
This month is one of the most hectic months to report with what is going on with the Muslim community.
Date: Thursday, August 18, 2016 | 11-1 PM
Place: United Methodist Building, Conference Room 4
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Presenters: Khalid Al-Maeena will be presenting from the international point of view
Mohammad Siddique and Ali Imran will present current political affairs.
Host: Mike Ghouse will host and moderate the event
Lunch: Working brown bag lunch and soft drinks will be provided
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Theme 1: Current Affairs :
Elections and the consequences Mohammad Siddique is a long time resident of Washington area and is involved in lecture circuit for Civic Engagement and Project Management. He taught at Muslim Community Center getting the kids to be a part of America. Currently he is working writing his memoirs.
We have to build an America where no American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other. How can Muslim
What else can Muslims do to be active participants in the society?
Theme2: Myths and perceptions about America
NOTE: 5:54 PM , AUGUST 17, 2016 : Khalid Almaeena had a death in the family and will not be joining us tomorrow.
Khalid Al-Maeena is a speaker on foreign affairs, and the editor of Saudi Gazette, Arab News and other news papers. He is an advocate of peace and human rights and an activist for social change. He is the former editor of the esteemed.
Moderator: Mike Ghouse, Executive Director of American Muslim Institution committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.
Current Affairs
Ali Imran is a Washington-based journalist from Pakistan. He has worked as Washington Correspondent/Special Correspondent for the Associated Press of Pakistan, Express TV, Pakistan Today, PTV and other media.
He has interviewed top US officials Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain and reported from the State Department and White House.
He regularly takes part in current affairs discussion programs of Voice of America, BBC, PTV, CCTV America and Radio Pakistan.
Currently, Mr. Imran is Managing Editor of the fast-expanding diversity magazine Views and News (, which focuses on pluralism and interfaith harmony. Simultaneously, Mr. Imran is an Opinion Writer for Pakistan Today.
AMI is committed to be a proactive voice for American Muslims, and our actions, writings and talks are geared to achieve the ultimate goal; where fellow “Americans will see Muslims as their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent extremism and protecting the homeland. ” Our vision is “An America in which all religious and ethnic communities contribute to her success while living in peace and harmony, free from prejudice and discrimination.”
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