Press Releases

American Muslims Commemorate on Veterans Day

Mike Ghouse 214-325-1916

American Muslims Commemorate Veterans Day 

Washington, D.C., November 10, 2016 – The American Muslim Institution joins with fellow Americans in commemorating the Veterans Day.


The freedom that we cherish today came to us through the sacrifices of our men and women right from George Washington down to the last soldier fighting for our freedom.

We thank our veterans for their patriotism, service and sacrifice to our nation, and express our gratitude by paying homage to the places dedicated to our veterans.

It is a Muslim tradition to pray for all humanity and seek blessings for those who sacrificed their lives for the benefit of all, and many American Muslims will be visiting the cemeteries around the country to pay their homage.

arlington-cemetaryMembers of Muslim community  will be visiting the Arlington National Cemetery after Friday Prayers to pay their respects and one of us will be there at 3:00 PM.

AMI is committed to be a proactive voice for American Muslims, and our actions, writings and discussions are geared to achieve the ultimate goal, where “Americans will see Muslims as their neighbors and fellow citizens, committed to fighting against violent extremism and protecting the homeland.”

Patriotism: Military woman salutes American flag. Silhouette.
Patriotism: Military woman salutes American flag. Silhouette.

In Washington DC, there are over 20 places to visit and pay respects to our veterans listed at titled “Commemorate Veterans Day by Visiting These 20 Places.” # # #