Countering violent extremism requires a holistic approach

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Countering radicalization among any American community or group requires a comprehensive approach, encompassing community engagement with law enforcement officials and safeguarding vulnerable youth against negative influences. That was the emphasis in a recent discussion on “Effectively Countering Extremism: A Comprehensive Grassroots Approach,” hosted by the Religious Freedom Center at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. American […]

An American Muslim’s film highlights the 'Angels Within'

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The trigger for producer Noor Naghmi’s newest film was not just the post-9/11 anti-Muslim environment in the United States or even inflammatory 2016 election campaign rhetoric, but the stark distortion and lack of representation of America’s reality of tolerance and coexistence. During his travels across the United States, Naghmi’s sensitive mind saw first-hand how a […]

U.S. Muslims resilient with strong faith in American Dream

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A Pew Research Center survey recently released a series of findings that underscore American Muslims’ self-perception of positivity and belief in collective progress, even in the face of some recent challenges. By the same token, the survey reveals the strength of the broader American society in standing by its fellow citizens facing discrimination and negative […]